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Re: World Naked Gardening Day

PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:04 pm
by shadylady
Florida Man Continues Gardening Naked Despite Neighbors Pleas To Stop
Nothing wrong with gardening in the nude. It's how nature intended us to be!

Re: World Naked Gardening Day

PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 8:22 am
by shotgunmary
shadylady: There might not be anything morally or ethically wrong with gardening in the nude, even in your front yard. BUT most people don't look good in the raw and so it is kind of gross. AND you won't catch me doing anything in the nude out in public or in public view. SO there should be no laws against it, but still I'd prefer that people refrain from that kind of thing.

Re: World Naked Gardening Day

PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2020 8:53 am
by mrfish
ShotgunMary: No way would I go around in the raw, but from a principled libertarian point of view, there is no way that there should be any kind of law prohibiting nudity. Although I'm not a hardcore libertarian, I agree that laws should be as few as possible and a law against nudity is a total waste of ink and associated law enforcement resources as far as I'm concerned. Of course, I'd say that about a lot of laws which are on the books and so as far as I'm concerned there's nothing special about nudity.

Re: World Naked Gardening Day

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 8:12 am
by KissMyTail
There are a lot of stupid laws in the USA and laws against public nudity are a perfect example. Crazy as it may seem there are a lot of laws we should have which we don't. Maybe it's just a matter of what's convenient for law enforcement. Sometimes it seems that the laws we have are the way they are just to make their jobs easier and not much else!

Re: World Naked Gardening Day

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 7:12 am
by desertrat
KissMyTail: I've heard people make that point before and there has got to be some truth to it. I can think of lots of laws that would make sense to have, but which don't exist. And I can think of lots of laws we do have which should not exist. And the convenience of law enforcement might be part of the reason for things being the way they are.

Re: World Naked Gardening Day

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 6:34 am
by wabbit
dilbert wrote:CLOTHING COVERS UP THE UGLY: Yes and a mask or paper bag helps a lot also. I'm not a big fan of nudists. They tend to leave skidmarks wherever they sit! Seriously, if the good lord meant for us to walk around in the raw he wouldn't have invented clothing! Adam and Eve wore clothes in the garden of eden, didn't they? Otherwise doesn't that make the beginning of the bible a little bit risque?

I spent a few of my formative years living on what can best be described as a clothing optional, hippie commune. It was actually somewhere between a small town and a commune, but the point here is that people spent a lot of time without clothes on and included in the list of clothing optional activities people partook in was gardening. Although I do not see anything morally wrong with nudity, the aesthetics leave a lot to be desired. As you say, clothing covers up the ugly. People say that you become desensitized to nudity and that's pretty much true, but with few exceptions most people look better with clothes on.

Re: World Naked Gardening Day

PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:11 am
by rainbow
Naked Ladies: Frilly Pink Beauties
These might not do well in the desert, but they are called NAKED LADIES and so they're appropriate for naked gardening activities.

Re: World Naked Gardening Day

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 7:02 am
by wabbit
rainbow: Given a choice of looking at these pretty flowers and the average person without clothes, I'd without hesitation pick the flowers!

Re: World Naked Gardening Day

PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 6:48 am
by twister
Naked Garden Complaint
It all started over a fence that was supposedly too tall! :smack:

Re: World Naked Gardening Day

PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2021 7:02 am
by hand
When it comes to nudity, people have a choice whether to look or not. If you don't like what you see, then don't look and that's the problem with noise. It's impossible not to hear something, especially if it's loud, without going to great lengths to avoid it. That's why complaining about the way something looks makes no sense to me, but complaining about noise makes perfectly good sense. Smell is a lot like sound and there are people who are irresponsible in that area too. I don't expect anyone to tolerate anything, but if something can be easily avoided - for instance, by looking the other way - then there's no point in complaining!